Welcome to The Humaniverse, the official website of author, researcher, and ufologist Keith Seland. We invite you to explore the resources provided within this site to enrich your mind with knowledge from credible and reliable sources.
Each page contains informative reference content on current topics including education, health, science, and technology.
Learn more about Keith’s lifelong goal of uncovering historical evidence of extraterrestrial (ET)contacts with humankind, with an emphasis on the roles and experiences our ancient worldwide civilizations had with ET.
You are The Humaniverse
What is The Humaniverse? Why, it’s YOU!
Every person in this galaxy and beyond collectively make up the how, what, why, when, and where of the natural world.
Join The Humaniverse founder Keith Seland as he advocates for the human expansion of knowledge about the natural universe. His natural curiosity and advocacy extend to the pursuit of first contact with extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI).
Dive Into The Humaniverse Guide® Series
Seland is the author of The Humaniverse Guide® Series of books, representing the culmination of more than 15 years of research and study of the ET equation to produce best practices in preparing for these new contacts and relationships.
The urgency for humankind to acknowledge and embrace this existential opportunity is outlined in the series.
Upcoming Appearances and Speaking Engagements
Keith Seland is available for speaking engagements and workshops on request. He invites you to stop by and introduce yourself if you’re attending any of the conference, speaking engagements, or workshops.
MUFON Marin Sonoma UFO Christmas Potluck Party
Keith will be the guest speaker for this holiday event. He will present his offerings and latest discoveries from ongoing recent international and domestic field expeditions along the course of educating society on the adaptation of ancient archaeoastronomy and their inherent symbolic spiritualism towards charting our future existence with extraterrestrial intelligences and ourselves. Mr. Seland connects to this discussion teasers from his upcoming book title on this subject with an expected publication date of early 2025.
Conscious Life Expo 2025
Keith will once again present at the Conscious Life Expo, scheduled for February 7-10 at the LAX Hilton in Los Angeles, CA.
He will share archaeoastronomy insights from discoveries in Turkey, Egypt, and Native America. He’ll teach attendees how to decode Native American petroglyphs, their symbolism, and cosmic connections with ETs, gods, and deities that drove their existence